Static Documents API

Independent static documents are PDF files configured and deployed independently rather than by inclusion in Use the following endpoints to create, update, or delete independent static PDF documents. All of the APIs mentioned below require you to be logged in as an administrator.

Endpoint Index

Deploy independent static documentsPUT /staticDocuments/
Get static document by locatorGET /staticDocuments/{locator}
Get static documentsGET /staticDocuments/
Delete a static documentDELETE /staticDocuments/{locator}


Deploy independent static documents
PUT /staticDocuments/
  • The GroupStaticDocumentResponse will contain a single StaticDocumentResponse if a single document was deployed, or a list of StaticDocumentResponse if a zip file uploaded multiple documents.

  • The effectiveTimestamp property specifies the effective date as a specific hour timestamp in unix epoch format. If minutes, seconds, and/or milliseconds are non-zero, the system will round to the next hour.

  • The effectiveTimestamp property is optional. The default effectiveTimestamp is the hour after the document was added to your configuration. For example, if the current date and time is October 1st, 2022 11:30:15am PST, the effectiveTimestamp will be set to October 1st, 2022 noon PST (in unix epoch format).

  • If the name and effectiveTimestamp precisely match an existing static document with an effective date, and the content of the static document has changed, that static document will be replaced with the newly deployed document. The name match is case sensitive. The effectiveTimestamp match compares the two timestamps, both of which are scoped to the hour.

  • If you deploy a .zip file, the name of each PDF file included in the .zip file will be used for the static document name. Ensure file names match previous values if you intend to update existing static documents using a bulk upload.

  • If the StaticDocumentRequest includes an exact duplicate of a previously deployed static document, the application will continue using the previously deployed static document, rather than redeploying it. A static document is considered a exact duplicate if all of the following are unchanged:

    • Table name

    • Effective date

    • Content

file string

effectiveTimestamp timestamp
StaticDocumentName string
locator string
effectiveTimestamp timestamp
urlExpirationTimestamp timestamp
StaticDocumentName string
url string
failedStaticDocuments ErrorTableResponse
successfulStaticDocuments StaticDocumentResponse
effectiveTimestamp timestamp
errorDetails string
StaticDocumentName string
Get static document by locator
GET /staticDocuments/{locator}
Get static documents
GET /staticDocuments/
    matchModeformdatastring startsWith | contains | equals | alloptional
  • Takes three optional parameters:

    • The fileName parameter is the name of the PDF document of interest.

    • The matchMode parameter is a enum value, which specifies how the fileName parameter will be matched.

    • The asOfTimestamp parameter is a timestamp in millisecond format. The asOfTimestamp can be any value within the effective time frame. If a static document is effective from January 1st to June 1st (inclusive), then date parameters of January 1st, June 1st, and March 1st would all retrieve the same static document.

  • Retrieves a list of documents (StaticDocumentResponse) which, depending on the optional parameters, will include:

    • Specify a fileName only – returns a list of all independent static documents with a matching filename, with various effective dates.

    • Specify an effectiveTimestamp only – returns a list of all independent static documents in effect for the specified timestamp, with various file names.

    • Specify both the fileName and the effectiveTimestamp – returns the one independent static document matching the specified fileName and effectiveTimestamp.

    • Do not specify either fileName or effectiveTimestamp – returns a list of all independent static documents.

Delete a static document
DELETE /staticDocuments/{locator}
  • If the last independent copy of a static document is deleted, the application will use the version of the static document for liquid template results.