Technical Premium

Socotra enables you to optionally track the “technical” or “pure” premium alongside the actual charged premium for each peril.

Technical premium is calculated, tracked, and updated the same way as actual premiums are.

Rollups of technical premium are available at the exposure and policy level if all perils have technical premium defined. Technical premium does not create financial transactions, and therefore are not itemized on invoices


Technical premium is exposed in document templates in the data.policy.exposures object.


Technical premium is available as part of the PolicyResponse, in the PerilCharacteristicsResponse object.


Technical premiums are calculated in the rating plugin alongside actual premium. See the rating plugin feature guide for details.

Legacy Calculation


Using liquid to calculate premiums is deprecated. You should migrate existing liquid calculations to the new rating plugin.

In the peril premium calculation, use the set_month_technical_premium or set_year_technical_premium liquid filters to record the technical premium.

Example: [myPerilName].premium.liquid

{{  950 | set_year_technical_premium }}
{{ 1000 | set_year_premium }}