Dynamic Document API

The following endpoints are for the ad-hoc rendering of document liquid templates.

These endpoints return URLs for the rendered document in both PDF and HTML formats. These URLs are valid for about an hour. The generated documents are not automatically attached to the policy; see the add document endpoint to attach files to a policy.

If a specific transaction is referenced in the rendering request, the data supplied to the template will reflect that transaction’s current state.

Endpoint Index

Render a document for an existing policy, given a liquid templatePOST /document/renderPolicyDocument
Render a document for an existing policy, given a liquid template filenamePOST /document/renderPolicyDocumentFromConfig


Render a document for an existing policy, given a liquid template
POST /document/renderPolicyDocument
policyDisplayId string
template string

transactionLocator string
transactionType string renewal | endorsement | cancellation | reinstatement | premium_report
  • Renders a document for a policy, given the policyDisplayId and the template (liquid template content passed in as a string) in the PolicyDocumentRenderRequest request body.

Render a document for an existing policy, given a liquid template filename
POST /document/renderPolicyDocumentFromConfig
configProductTemplate string
policyDisplayId string

resourcesAsOfTimestamp timestamp
transactionLocator string
transactionType string renewal | endorsement | cancellation | reinstatement | premium_report
  • Renders a document for a policy, given the configProductTemplate liquid template filename from the configuration and the policyDisplayId, as specified in the PolicyDocumentRenderRequestWithTemplate request body.

  • Specify the resourcesAsOfTimestamp to render based on a specific instance of the template.

assignedVariables map<string,object>

renderedHtmlUrl string
renderedPdfUrl string